Correlation between Serum Level Magnesium and Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Farnaz Mohseni, Mohammad Javad Ehsani Ardakani, Mohsen Sadeghi, Seyed Ghafar Shafaee, Farnaz Barzi



Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) was one of prevalent problems in general population. It was the most common cause of abnormal liver function tests and may lead to steatohepatitis and cirrhosis. The role of many factors has been known in NAFLD. In this study, we investigated the correlation of serum magnesium level and NAFLD after minimizing the role of major confounding factors.

Materials and Methods:

This was a cross-sectional study in the referral patients to the internal medicine clinic. We grouped study patients in two; patients with and without NAFLD. Then, serum level of magnesium was measured, and its relation was studied between both groups.


Within patients enrolled into study, 55 had NAFLD, and 33 were without NAFLD. Both groups were matched for main confounding factors, including: gender, diabetes and metabolic syndrome (p>0.05). Mean serum magnesium level was 2.26+/-0.35, 2.25+/-0.39 and 2.08+/-0.41 in patients without NAFLD, grade one and two NAFLD, respectively (p=0.06). However it was shown that with each unit increase in serum level of magnesium, risk of fatty liver disease would decrease 50 percent. (OR=0.516, CI=95%,0.147-1.8060.147-1.806 )


In the current study, we evaluated the relation between serum magnesium level and NAFLD. We showed that patients with a lower serum level of magnesium have 50% more chance to get NAFLD, and it is correlated with higher degrees of fatty liver disease.



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Non-Alcoholic fattly liver; Magnesium; Cirrhosis

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