Histological and Ultrastructural Changes in the Liver of Albino Rat after Partial Hepatectomy
Background: Understanding of the mechanisms governing liver regeneration may be useful for designing treatments for patients with hepatitis, liver injury, or liver transplant. The aim of the present study was to investigate the ultrastructural changes and BCL-2 protein expression associated with partial hepatectomy (PHx).
Materials and Methods: This study was carried out on 30 male albino rats assigned to three experimental groups. PHx was done for all the 30 animals and liver tissues were collected to become control tissues. The rats were sacrificed in 24 h (group A), 48 h (group B), and 72 h (group C) after PHx. Liver specimens were processed for light and transmission electron microscope. BCL-2 protein expression was evaluated in all groups.
Results: Hepatocytes of groups A and B showed several apoptotic changes. BCL-2 protein expression was not detected in the hepatocytes of controls. 48h after PHx, the nuclei of the hepatocytes showed abundant heterochromatin with indistinct nucleoli. The cytoplasms showed numerous electron lucent vacuoles, and swollen mitochondria compared with the controls. Moreover, dilated bile canaliculi with absent microvilli were observed. Meanwhile, 72 h after PHx, the general architecture of liver was retained nearly to normal.
Conclusion: In conclusion, during the 48 h after PHx, the hepatocytes underwent proliferative and apoptotic changes followed by regaining their normal structure and organization.
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