Frequency of babA2 genotype in Helicobacter pylori from Patient with Gastroduodenal Diseases in firouzgar hospital tehran
BACKGROUND: Blood group antigen binding adhesin (babA2) , is essential for attachment of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) to the epithelial cell layer and is the most important adhesin of H. pylori. The prevalence rate of the babA2 gene varies in different geographic areas. The aim of this study is to determine the frequency of the babA2 gene in patients with different clinical outcomes.
Materials and Methods: We obtained two gastric biopsy specimens from each patient who suffered from gastrointestinal disease. Rapid urease test (RUT) was performed using one biopsy and the remaining biopsy was delivered to the laboratory for DNA extraction. Prevalence of the babA2 gene was determined using gene specific primers.
 RESULTS: A total of 56 strains (68.3%) of H. pylori were babA2 positive. The prevalence of babA2 in gastric cancer patients (84.6%) was higher than seen with gastric ulcer (66.7%), duodenal ulcer (61%), and gastric patients (66.7%). There was no correlation between the babA2 genotype and clinical outcomes.
 CONCLUSION: We found that babA2 gene was more prevalent in gastric cancer but no correlation was demonstrated. However, previous studies have demonstrated a correlation of babA2 with severe H. pylori-associated diseases such as duodenal ulcers and gastric cancer. This discrepancy may be related in part to geographic diversity or sample size.
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