Clinical Manifestation of Retroperitoneal Tuberculosis as Pseudotumor in an 18-Year-Old Female
The case was an 18-year-old female with progressive crampy abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, initiated from 4 months ago, Who had 4-5 Kg weight loss in this period. In physical examination, an ill-defined mass with mild tenderness in periumblical region palpation was detected. In upper GI endoscopy, bulging folds with a necrotic mass in D2- D3 were detected. In small bowel series study, cut off of barium in D2-D3 portions was seen. For better evaluation spiral CT was performedin which a large mass with extension to small bowel in retroperitoneum was seen. In Pathologic study, caseification granuloma compatible with tuberculosis was reported. This finding was confirmed with Ziel Neelsen staining and PCR.
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